Nyaketcho Sylvia

Sponsored by Kristin Cochrane

May 2011: Nyaketcho Sylvia is 11 years old and is such a sweet child and good big sister. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up and the loves to play netball. She lives with her parents (her mom is Scovia), who both work in the stone quarry, and her 5 siblings. Joseph is in p3, Javel is in p1, Immaculate and James are in baby class, and little Hellen is just a year old. Sylvia has excellent english and always has a smile on her face. Her family's poverty is quite severe, but they are kind, good people. The baby Hellen is often sick. This month Sylvia was given medication for de-worming and she received a school sweater. She was also able to 2 part in 2 field trips; she took a boat ride on the Nile River and went to Wonder World, an amusement park where she went on rides and learned how to swim. She even braved the scariest ride, although she balled her eyes out the entire time!

July 2011: We have received an updated photo of Sylvia from July, at school in her uniform!

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